Research programme
Why are we doing this?
Current AM process limitations * Process with relatively low deposition rate * Materials and alloys not designed for AM * No online monitoring system to guarantee the structural integrity of the built parts
What do we propose?
Using multiple energy sources to increase the deposition rate and achieve net shape finish * Developing new materials and alloys for AM to achieve properties similar or better than the raw material * Using new non-destructive testing techniques to detect defects during part building
How are we going to deliver?
Developing the AM process to work in symbiosis with the material * New materials working in symbiosis with the AM process * Understanding the effect of the defects on the AM parts * Combining non-destructive testing and repairing during the build-up of the AM parts
Research Challenges
How we are going to make a difference

Process Innovation
To develop new high build-rate precision metal wire-based AM processes capable of net-shape deposition with little or no finishing step required, at low cost and with homogeneous microstructure and high performance properties.
Process and Material Modelling
To build robust physics-based process and materials models for detailed process understanding, rapid process development and provision of algorithms for in-process microstructure and shape control.
Quality Control and Assurance
To ensure as-built structural integrity, through process-independent physics-based quality control and assurance, ultimately enabling low-cost and timely qualification.
New Materials and Alloys
Design of feedstock materials and alloys, tailored to the new and existing deposition processes, giving performance equivalent to, or better than the currently used wrought alloys.
More than 100 research activities and 40 people working in this programme
System Integration
AM systems for new processes and integrated tools for quality control
New tools for quality control and assurance. Understanding defects vs structural integrity
Exploitation routes for the NEWAM technology: Waam3D (spin out company) and industrial partners
WintWire is delighted to be a part of the NEWAM programme, our ability to manufacture round and shaped wires will allow us to deliver a wide range of wires that will help shape the future of the industry.
Ben Turner
Managing Director - WintWireIt’s important to advance the development of new near net shape AM processes, which increase build rate, and reduce the cost of components. The NEWAM programme is aiming to do just that, and building in strong evaluation and analysis capabilities, will ensure that the integrity is achieved, and that there is an accelerated route to market.Stephen Fitzpatrick
Additive Manufacturing and Machining Group Lead - AFRC -
Perryman is pleased to be supporting the NEWAM research program. It is through research that we will be able to better understand the scope of this emerging technology. We are excited to learn the results of the research and are proud to support the efforts of the entire Cranfield team.
Takahiro (Hiro) Hayakawa
Manager – Fine Wire and Additive Products - Perryman CompanyWe look forward to NEWAM’s results. I love its ambitious programme and multidisciplinary approach, which will undoubtedly enable a step-change in wire-based AM.Filomeno Martina
The NEWAM program is something we are excited to be involved in. It allows our innovation capabilities to be stretched to produce more and better innovations, helping our customers to “Make Something Better!”
Richard Fryer
Partner - PWP IndustrialKUKA Systems UK are supplying the robotic equipment, the integration of the welding equipment and ancillary items to the robotic equipment for the NEWAM project. KUKA see this emerging technology as important to their business plans for the future and see great potential in this technology.Kevin Kolkea
Sales Manager - Arc Welding - KUKA Systems UK -
Cranfield University is supporting a programme of work for investigating application of WAAM to Schlumberger’s products. This is enabling assessment of the viability of application of this technology to Schlumberger’s manufacturing operations to help achieve improved cost and functional design.
Clint Wildash
Welding Engineering Manager - SchlumbergerEWM Group are delighted to be working with the NEWAM team, and to have been a partner with Cranfield and the WAAM process over the last 8 or so years. We are excited to see how the process and the technology develops as it becomes more accessible and viable as a production process.Alan Cauchi
Managing Director (UK) - EWM -
TWI feels that the scope and partners of the NEWAM represent a world class effort to further the development of larger scale AM. Our participation and support are well aligned with our own research strategy for AM and these will bring significant advantage to our Industrial Members.
Adrian Addison
Principal Project Leader – Arc Processes and Additive Manufacturing - TWINEWAM is a truly game-changing project for Additive Manufacturing, and will project the UK Manufacturing Communities into a global leadership position. NEWAM will transform the whole of the business value stream for AM, and promises to deliver the true potential of this disruptive technology.John Rafferty
Director of Core Technologies, REMS - TechnipFMC -
We expect NEWAM to mature and extend WAAM to enable new applications for Additive Manufacturing (AM), to underpin a better understanding of AM materials and processes, and to promote the technology to industry and their customers. The NEWAM team includes leading practitioners and experts in the field and we anticipate some great science and engineering to be produced.
Chris Dent
Head of Research and Technology - Lockheed Martin UKPrenscia supports the NEWAM programme as they work to determine the suitability of current strain-life fatigue characterisation and damage prediction models to wire-arc additive manufactured material. We contribute to this research through our specialist strain-controlled fatigue testing services and experience in strain-life fatigue characterisation and fatigue prediction from finite element analysis results.Michelle Hill
Head of Materials Testing - Prenscia -
Peak NDT is delighted to support the NEWAM project. Our instruments have been used at the forefront of NDT ultrasonic technique development for more than 35 years. The lessons learnt from this project will help inform our future development requirements.
Simon Parke
Managing Director - Peak NDT