I obtained my PhD in Materials Engineering from School of Engineering & Innovation at The Open University, UK. In November-2014, I joined Faculty of Engineering and Environment and Computing, Coventry University as a Research Fellow and have been promoted to Assistant Professor in Aug-2019. My research centres around structural integrity and damage tolerance assessment of additive manufactured materials through novel experimentations with a particular focus on fundamental understanding of the microstructure-mechanical properties and performance relationship. Alongside, I am also an active user of neutron and synchrotron X-ray diffraction facilities in UK and across Europe to underpin the influence of residual stress on damage development under cyclic loading conditions. In NEWAM project, I am responsible to investigate microstructure-mechanical properties relation under static and cyclic loading conditions and the influence of residual stress on fatigue crack growth.
Hi there, my name is Abdul Khadar Syed
Assistant Professor in Structural Integrity

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