Outreach activity – Brooksward Primary School, May 2021
Milton Keynes - Virtual event, May 2021
On 25th and 27th May 2021, a team of Researchers and PhD students working on the NEWAM programme participated in the STEM week organised by Brooksward Primary School in Milton Keynes (4-11 year olds). Approximately 300 children took part of the event: on the first day, the pupils were shown the concept of Additive Manufacturing, how 3D printing worked and they also had a glimpse of the amazing work carried out in the Cranfield University laboratory. The children were then set with a challenge: design and build a model of something that would make the planet a better place (Foundation/Key Stage 1 pupils) and how to make the teachers’ life better (Key Stage 2 pupils). On day two, each class presented their inventions to the NEWAM team, who voted for the best idea/concept. The winners will have their model 3D printed to display in their classroom. The children also had the opportunity to ask questions to the team about robots, science, apprenticeship, 3D printing and how much does an engineer get paid!
Feedback from Jen Swain, Head of School:
“Thanks again for organising this activity. It has really inspired a lot of them and some of the feedback I have had from teachers is that it engaged many of the children who aren't often that into designing and building and they have started to talk about other things they might want to design. The fact that all the children got to have a go and be involved was really great! Also, the children that were chosen to represent the year groups in many cases, were not the children that usually get chosen for things so it was great to see them get a confidence boost.”